Presidium, General Secretaries and Directors

The Caritas Bishop, the President, three representatives of each diocesan Caritas organization, the General Secretaries and members of the Caritas Austria management together form the so-called General Assembly as the highest decision-making body.
This Assembly elects from among its members the Caritas President, the Vice-President and other members of the Presidium, and appoints the Secretary General and the Secretary General of the International Programs of Caritas Austria on the proposal of the Presidium.

Dr. Benno Elbs
Caritas bishop

Nora Tödtling-Musenbichler
President Caritas Austria and Director Caritas Styria

Mag.a Anna Parr
General secretary Caritas Austria

DI Andreas Knapp
General secretary international programs, deputy general secretary Caritas Austria

Dr. Walter Schmolly
Director Caritas Vorarlberg and Member of the Presidium Caritas Austria

Mag. Alexander Bodmann
Vice President Caritas Austria and Managing Director Caritas Vienna

Mag. (FH) Klaus Schwertner
Managing Director Caritas Vienna

Mag.a Melanie Balaskovics MA
Director Caritas Burgenland and Member of the Presidium Caritas Austria

Hannes Ziselsberger BA
Director Caritas St.Pölten and Lower Austria West

Franz Kehrer MAS
Director Caritas Upper Austria

Mag. Ernst Sandriesser
Director Caritas Carinthia

Mag.a Elisabeth Rathgeb
Director Caritas Tirol

DGKP Andrea Schmid
Director Caritas Salzburg

Mag. Kurt-Adrian Sonneck
Director Caritas Salzburg